Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Wow. Work has certainly begun.

Our meetings began last Monday and then the kids started on Thursday, hence my falling off the map. My days have consisted of getting up at 4, arriving at my gym by 5:30, getting to work around 7 and hanging out with eighth graders all day. After, I road rage my way through construction traffic to get home. Once home I make a valiant attempt to write while battling heavy eyelids in my air condition-less apartment.

I've fallen asleep sitting up, on my couch, fully clothed, facing the wrong way on my bed and I even caught a mini nap while leaning against my pantry. It's always like this at the start of the year. The theory is that teaching is a job that simulates hitting a brick wall. At the end of the year it's "GO GO GO" and then suddenly everything stops entirely. At the start of the year you go from months of self-structured time to "being on stage" several hours a day. It can be a shock to the system. By Monday of next week I will have settled in.

Meanwhile, I found time to read Suzanne Collins' Mockingjay and Jay Asher's Thirteen Reasons Why. I'm working on reviews of each that I'll post this weekend. I also mapped my WIP's plot line on a cork board just to make sure my changes don't derail the arc. They don't! Yay!

I'm currently reading Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell with plans to finally read Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver next week.

Alright, I feel a "pass out in my chair" moment coming on so I'll catch you all on the flip side.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, left something for you on my blog:)
